Friday, April 06, 2007


So verbring ich meine Wochenenden als sterbender Schwan. Vielleicht sollt ichs mal ohne Festklammern versuchen. Sähe sicher eleganter aus...


At 6:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Conni,

Dallaire actually has an office in Concordia, so you do see him now and again. I only stayed for Dallaire's speech because I had to have the news brief submitted by 8:30 p.m. He speaks very well, and I'm really looking forward to reading Shake Hands with the Devil. I have a great audio file from a panel that I went to not long ago during which Dallaire's editor spoke about how difficult Dallaire was to work with because of his post traumatic stress disorder. The editor prior to her had committed suicide as she had a history of depression and felt that she was not doing his story justice (read post 75). It's a sad story, but it's well worth telling.


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