Monday, May 14, 2007

I'd like to know where the riverboat sails tonight

Did you know that Elton John sings country songs? Well, he does, at least on the Elizabethtown soundtrack I'm listening to at the moment.
It's been a while, I know, but no apologies: whatever I had to say was transmitted to you via sound waves.
I am reluctant to write as the days grow shorter. Instead I wander, or more accurately, bike, the little streets on the Plateau and think of my grey suitcase hidden at the far back of the storage room. I'll have to dedust it and bring it out soon but not necessarily in that order. (That's how you cancel an implicature. If I haven't learnt much in semantics this year, I at least know how to cancel an implicature. And that Galileo looked at the patrician with a telescope. And that the anchormen on TV correct themselves after the fashion: x, y rather. For example: George Bush is innocent, inefficient, rather.)
Two weeks more and I'll pack my things and head for Prince Edward Island. And Edmonton, and hopefully, Calgary, and Vancouver. Only names so far, names that can be traced on a map of Canada. Soon I'll be able to connect images with the names. And sounds, and maybe even smells. Images: How many of you have told me to bring my camera on this trip and I promise to do so. But I don't promise to think about my camera when I stand on the shores of King's County, PEI, or when watching the Rockies from my bus window.
The last few posts for this year will be in English. It's an honouring-the-past-year thing more than sloppiness, so please bear with me. I've always been nostalgic before my time came.
I still haven't heard from the International student of the year people, so I figure I'm not the international student of the year after all. What matters is that I have had an unforgettable experience, that I'm not going back unchanged. And of that I am sure.


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