Travelogue: PEI
Dear readers, just jotting down a few notes on my current travel activities:Took the bus to Charlottetown, PEI Friday night and arrived here after intervals of sleeping and reading and listening to music at 4pm. Forgot my sweater in the baggage that went intop the luggage compartment of the bus and therefore only had my towel to wrap myself into and fight the freezingly cold air conditioning. Result: got the sniffles.
In Charlottetown came into the most cosyt, friendly hostel you can imagine. A quaint little house in the centre of the city, with me sleeping in the attic and over me some neon-yewllow stars of the type you'd put into your child's bedroom. They absorb light during the day and then give off light during the night.
Anyway, since the weather was threatening to get worse on MOnday I decided to take my bike trip around the east coast the next day. When I arrived in Souris, east coast, I was counting on one of the hotels to rent a bike from, but none had any. On my quest for a bike I came by the Bayview Lodge and entered, thinking this would be another hotel. Turned out to be a home for the elderly. But the receptionist took up my cause and called someone ("Can't be that hard to get you a bike for a day") and so I got a friend's bike and helmet and after some really tasty fish and chips I set off for the coast. Instead of the planned 40kn to the East Point I did a mere 12km to Basin Head Beach. They have the so-called singing sands there, sand containing silicium which makes funny squeeky noises when you walk over it with your bare feet. The wind and the hilly road then forced me back to Souris, where I arrived with a thorrough sunburn on my face. I found the house where I was supposed to stay easliy (it was described to me as the pie-shaped house) and everyone in the tight-knot 2000 souls village knew who lived there and how to get there. Lindsey, the girl I stayed with, took me to a Ceilidh with traditional fiddle music after. I'll see if I can post a link to that soon.
Have to go!!!
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