So verbring ich meine Wochenenden als sterbender Schwan. Vielleicht sollt ichs mal ohne Festklammern versuchen. Sähe sicher eleganter aus...

Swish and Swirl and Dip and Hop
Impressionen zum Thema: Conni und der Salsa:

Unsere Konkurrenz könnt ihr euch
hier anschauen :)
Where do you ever get to thank the people who matter most in your life?
Right, at the beginning of a PhD thesis. Now, since I don't know if I'll ever produce such a learned piece of writing, let me cheat and compose my acknowledgements right here and now.
First I guess I should thank the people who I owe my existence to, my parents. Thanks for going through the, I imagine, scary experience of pregnancy (ouch) and child-rearing. Just think how much could have gone wrong in the process and how great Steffi and I turned out :)
Then I would like to thank Joseph for being mine
and by that mere fact producing a smile on my face.
But today's acknowledgements are really and truly for my friends on both sides of the Atlantic, without whom this world would look as grey every day as it does today in Montreal. I just came home in the rain and thought what a wasted day when I found a parcel on the doorstep. Sheltered from wind and rain did it lean against the doorframe and greeted me with cheerful Easter pictures. "Thank you sooooo much" I am writing while listening to one of the CDs contained in the goodies parcel (Oh inverted world). Katha and Andie, you have inspired this sudden bout of Ineedtosaythankstomyfriends. I hope you are well and happily colouring Easter eggs! Claudi, thanks for the tree sweets :) don't let the little brats get you! Thanks Chris for even considering the possibility of visiting me here.
My thanks also extend to Meaghan, thank you for being fashionably nerdy and discussing any topic from boyfriends to wh-movement with me and hosting Music Appreciation Night.
And, hoping I forget none, thank you Anne for sharing so many Montreal experiences from salsa crushes to snow-rafting and with me.
I am lucky to have friends like you.
PS: Anyone who feels themselves misrepresented here, I welcome comments :)